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Where’s That Fox?
July 21, 2016 foxmountain_adminGuiding Rock Climbing The Guides' Climbing AdventuresCongratulations to Michael Morely for correctly identifying this route as "White Trash" (12a) at Smith Rock and winning a BlueWater 9.1 Icon rope.
New Hampshire Ice Trip Tops My List
July 21, 2016 foxmountain_adminAlpine & Ice Climbing GuidingThe annual Fox Mountain Guides New Hampshire Ice Trip is well underway and in fact coming to a close! As one of my favorite trips, it saddens me to see it come to a end every year! The ice climbing in New Hampshire is world class with short approaches and everything from easy, beginner level ice to hardman mixed climbing.
Our month up here starts off with our Ice Climbing 101 Course and the Mountain Washington Valley Ice Fest. I am always psyched to hang out and watch slideshows from some of the best climbers in NH and the world as well as help put on the clinics for this event. Our 101 guests join us in the fun as we cook every night in the chalet and play games and the occasional joke (or magic trick this year) on each other.
We head out to local crags every day and make sure no one goes home without a forearm pump! For those wanting to stay a little longer or pick up where they left off from the previous year, the Ice 201 Course brings an even bigger "pump." It culimnates with multi-pitch climbing for the all-around ice climbing experience!
Many clients come and book their favorite guide for a few days of climbing where they pick the
Thinking About the Climbs We Guide
July 21, 2016 foxmountain_adminGuiding Rock ClimbingI love these climbs more than most. I know them like my children’s faces. I love them on the hottest day. I love them in accumulating snow. I love them in the pouring rain. And, I love when people meet the climbs I love.
Tonight, I can barely remember the first time I kissed my wife. I remember the story of our first kiss, because I have told it many times. But I don’t remember what I my own lips felt like back then, much less hers. In the same manner, I do not remember when I first deciphered the Nose of Looking Glass Rock, or bashed my way to the top of Gumbie’s Rampage, or first dangling off the Tilted World. Those climbs are so far into my past that the first time is no longer a feeling that I can remember. They have become fluid, unpretentious, thoughtless motion. Affectionate, but familiar, like kissing my wife.
That’s why I love when people meet the climbs that I love. I can look into their faces, flash through the vortex of time, and experience, and hundreds of laps up these climbs, and revive my own past in that vicarious moment.
Sometimes, people do not love the climbs that I love. My wife, f